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Cord Land "Corduroy" Syntax Tutorial!💡

Corduroy syntax is a magical way to create chord diagrams and chord progressions using plain text. Input the text on the left and you'll get the result on the right! Let's give it a try!

Getting Started

(1/5)Lyrics with Chord Progressions:

  • "Write the lyrics between two %% symbols. (The area between the two %% symbols is where the sheet music will be displayed.)"
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  • Then, fill in the "chords" and "bar lines" between the lyrics.
  • Use [chord symbol] to represent a chord, for example, [C] (enclose the chord symbol in square brackets).
  • Use the pipe symbol | to represent a bar line.
  • Place the "chords" and "bar lines" before the lyrics, and they will be displayed directly above the words. If you place them after the lyrics, they will be displayed after the words. You can also add spaces to adjust the distance.
  • For example: "|[Am] Come up to |[F]meet you, tell you I’m |[C]sorry."
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(2/5)Chord Chart:

  • Write the chord fingering between two % symbols.
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  • The leftmost side represents the 6th string, and the rightmost side represents the 1st string.
  • "x" indicates the string that should be muted.
  • "o" represents an open string, and numbers indicate the fret.
  • For example: %x32o1o%
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🙌🏻 Actually, learning just (1/5) of it is enough to write a complete sheet music! But Corduroy can do more than that. You can also add chord diagrams and comments to your sheet music. Let's keep going!👇🏻

Adding Chord Chart & Comments

(3/5)Adding Chord Chart:

  • This way, [C,%x32o1o%] allows you to annotate the chord diagram above the chord symbol.
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  • [C] is the syntax for indicating a "chord", while %x32o1o% is the syntax for indicating a "chord diagram".
  • The syntax that simultaneously represents "chord + chord diagram" is actually just placing the chord diagram syntax in the second position of the square brackets [] (separated by a comma from the chord symbol).
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(4/5)Adding Comments

  • So [Cmaj7,%x32ooo%,就是要 Maj7!] allows you to add a comment above the chord diagram.
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  • [Am7] represents the syntax for a "chord", %xo221o% represents the syntax for a "chord diagram", and "1st fret" is a comment.
  • The syntax that simultaneously represents "chord + chord diagram + comment" is actually just placing the custom annotation text in the third position of the square brackets [] (separated by English commas from the chord symbol).
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(5/5)Adding Comments anywhere

  • Enclose the custom annotation text in curly braces {}.
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  • By inserting comments before the lyrics that chords changing, you can add them anywhere in the sheet music!
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